Helping you and your loved ones enjoy your wedding day to the fullest.
Munich, Germany - available worldwide

Your wedding should be one thing: A celebration with your friends and family. As your Wedding Day Coordinator, I will ensure your wedding day unfolds seamlessly, allowing you to savor every moment without a hint of stress or worry.
My services are designed for couples who have meticulously planned their wedding in advance and are looking for a worry-free experience on the big day.
You will reclaim precious time in the weeks leading up to the wedding, as I handle the final arrangements with your vendors and oversee the set-up. Through detailed conversations about your vision and preferences for the day, I will execute the wedding planning exactly to your wishes.
Als Wedding Day Coordinator steige ich ein paar Monate vor eurer Hochzeit ein. Wir lernen uns kennen und besprechen eure Hochzeit und eure Wünsche im Detail. Dabei empfehle ich euch nicht nur die besten Dienstleister für eure Hochzeit, sondern gebe euch auch alle meine Tipps & Tricks weiter, die ich über die Jahre bei Hochzeiten gelernt und angewandt habe.
Eure Dienstleister lernen mich als ihre Ansprechpartner kennen und stellen ihre Fragen fortan an mich, damit ihr mehr Luft für Wesentliches habt. Am Hochzeitstag bin ich dann euer persönliches Schutzschild gegen Probleme, eure beste Freundin und Assistenz der Familie. Egal was ihr braucht: Ich kümmere mich darum! Damit ihr absolut sorgenfrei feiern könnt.
Ihr habt monatelang geplant. Der Tag soll perfekt werden. Und mit meiner Unterstützung erreicht ihr genau das.

In my role as your Wedding Day Coordinator, I step in several months before your big day. We will get to know each other, delve into the details of your wedding and your personal vision for the day. Beyond recommending vetted vendors from my network, I will share all the expertise I've acquired and applied throughout the years.
I will establish myself as the primary contact for your vendors, fielding their inquiries and concerns, allowing you more time to focus on the essentials. On the wedding day, I transition seamlessly into the roles of your troubleshooter and personal assistant. Whatever you may require, rest assured, I've got it covered—ensuring you can enjoy the celebration 100% carefree.
After months of planning, you envision nothing less than perfection. Together we'll turn that vision into a flawless reality.

You want absolute peace of mind on your big day and to enjoy every minute with your guests?
I would be more than happy to coordinate your wedding. Just send me a short message via the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible!